Community Groups


Our mission is to encourage, equip, promote, and challenge women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His Church. We strive to bring women's perspectives to the issues facing the Church and model Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries.


We are a community of Godly men who seek to equip, build, and send men out to serve and share Jesus. Our ministry welcomes all men without judgment, and we strive to create intentional gatherings that facilitate growth in our relationships with God, family, and others.

Young Adult

The Young Adult Ministry creates a supportive and vibrant community that encourages spiritual growth, leadership development, and meaningful connections among young adults (age 18-35).


Our goal is to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for Christian singles to live Godly and fulfilling lives. We understand that being single can come with its own unique set of challenges and pressures, and we aim to equip singles to become strong disciples for Kingdom building.

Small Groups

Small groups at Rockwall Friendship meet each week and aim to create a sense of belonging and spiritual growth opportunities beyond the Sunday worship service.

More Coming

As we group, we are one a mission to connect more people with god and community.